8. Bran : The Fall
Location: Winterfell
Characters: Bran Stark
The King's party was supposed to depart from Winterfell the next day, so today the King went for a hunt. Prince Joffrey, Robb Stark, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Theon Greyjoy, Rodrick Cassel and Queen's funny little brother (Tyrion Lannister) accompanied the King on the hunt.
Bran thought that Jon was angry at everyone these days. Why?
Bran wanted to be a Knight in the Kingsguard. Kingsguard were the finest swords in all of the realm. There were only seven of them, they wore white armour and had no wives or children, but lived only to serve the King. Two of the Kingsguard who came with King Robert were : Ser Boros, who was a bald man with a jowly face, and Ser Meryn, who had droopy eyes and beard the colour of rust. Ser Jaime looked like the Knights in the stories but he killed the old mad king (who?). Thats why he is called the Kingslayer.
Since Bran was leaving the next day, he started to say his farewells to everyone but soon became emotional.
Bran's wolf was very smart and understood every word he said. He hadn't named his wolf yet. Robb's wolf was called Grey Wind because it ran so fast, Sansa's wolf was Lady, Arya's wolf was Nymeria and Rickon's wolf was called Shaggy Dog, which Bran thought was a very stupid name.
Bran was sitting in the Godswood looking at the heart tree which frightened him because it looked like it had eyes and leaves which looked like hands. Bran decided to climb around Winterfell.
Bran loved climbing. It made him feel like Lord of the castle. He knew all the secret pathways of Winterfell. Climbing made him feel like he was invisible.
While climbing, Bran heard some voices. A man and a woman were talking. The man kept calling the woman sister. When Bran saw their faces, he recognised the woman as the Queen and the man looked life her reflection and hald golden hair, which shows that he was her twin brother Jaime Lannister. (Tyrion Lannister had gone on hunt)
The queen did not want Ned as the Hand of the King and preferred Jaime as the Hand. Jaime on the other hand thinks that Ned is better than King's brothers Stannis and Renly as he prefers honorable enemies rather than ambitious ones.
Why are Ned, Stannis and Renly their enemies?
The queen thought that Ned would refuse the offer to become Hand of the King but since he agreed, he may have some plan against them. What plan?
The queen thinks Lysa Arryn will accuse them of something. (Jon Arryn's murder?)
How do they know that Lysa knows they murdered Jon Arryn?
Did they murder Jon Arryn?
Queen and Jaime think that Lysa knew something that Jon Arryn knew too but she did not approach King Robert and fled because Robert had agreed to foster her son with Tywin Lannister which meant that her son would become hostage to her silence.
What secret does Lysa know that the Queen and her family wants to keep from King Robert?
The Queen also talked about a King Ned Stark betrayed. Which King was this?
The queen also wants Robert to die and her son Joffrey take the throne but she suspects Ned Stark will betray Joffrey although he is loyal to Robert.
Why does the queen wish her husband's death?
Why would Ned betray Joffrey?
Bran heard all the conversation between the queen and Jaime. He also saw them engaging in physical relations. Unfortunately the queen saw Bran and Jaime pushed Bran out of the window.
Bran's wolf was howling the entire time he was climbing. This signifies that the wolf sensed the coming fall.
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