
Showing posts from March, 2019

4. Eddard : The Crypts

Location : Crypts of Winterfell Characters : Eddard Stark, Robert Baratheon   The King has finally arrived in Winterfell. He is accompanied by Queen Cersie, and her brothers. Ned had last seen the king nine years before during Balon Greyjoy's rebellion where the stag and the direwolf had jointly fought against the self-proclaimed King of the Iron Islands. Robert had accepted the rebel lord's surrender and Ned had taken his son Theon as hostage and ward. What was the rebellion about? Robert was a man of huge appetites, a man who knew how to take his pleasures. That was not the charge anyone could lay at the door of Eddard Stark. This implies Eddard Stark was too honorable. The Stark kings were buried in crypts at Winterfell. The king proceeded to pay his respects to the dead much to the dismay of the queen. Robert was betrothed to Lyanna, Ned's sister who died. ( Thats why queen was unhappy with Robert going to the crypts ) Ned recalls about Lyanna: ...

3. Daenerys : The Targaryans

Location : Pentos Characters : Dany, Viserys, Illyrio, Jorah Mormont, Khal Drogo Referenced Characters : Ser Willem Darry Daenerys and Viserys were the last Targaryans taking refuge in Pentos with Magister Illyrio. Dany was thirteen, had violet eyes and white silver hair. Viserys was a gaunt young man with lilac eyes. Magister Illyrio was a dealer in spices, gems, dragonbone and other things. He was fat and wore gems on all his fingers. He had oiled his forked yellow beard which shone like gold. Illyrio showered them with gifts and servants and luxuries. Viserys thought it was because he was the rightful heir to the seven kingdoms. However, Dany knew that such gifts seldom came without their price. What is Illyrio's motive? Dany thought that her brother was living in his dreams far from reality : "Illyrio never had a friend he would cheerfully sell for the right price... but she knew better than to question her brother when he wove his webs of dream...

2. Catelyn : Death of Jon Arryn

Location : Winterfell's Godswood Characters : Catelyn Stark, Ned Stark Referenced Characters: Ben Stark, Robert Barathean, Jon Arryn, Catelyn was born a Tulley of Riverrun. She is married to Eddard Stark and mother to Bran, Robb and 3 other stark children. She remembers the godswood in Riverrun as : "The godswood there, was a garden, bright and airy, where tall redwoods spread dappled shadows across tinkling streams, birds sang from hidden nests, and the air was spicy with the scent of flowers." whereas the godswood in Winterfell are: "It was a dark primal place, three acres of old forest untouched for ten thousand years as the gloomy castle rose around it. It smelled of moist earth and decay. No redwoods grew here. This was a wood of stubborn sentinel trees armored in grey-green needles..." Catelyn was anointed with the seven oils and named in the rainbow of light that filled the sept of Riverrun. Her gods had names and faces and were worshiped usin...

1. Bran : Direwolf Pups for Stark Children

Location : Outskirts of Winterfell Characters : Bran Stark, Eddard Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy, Jory Cassel (Captain of the household Gaurd), Hullen (Master of Horse), Harwin (Hullen's Son) Referenced Characters:  Mance Rayder (King Beyond the Wall), Old Nan, Robert This chapter is from Bran's point of view. Bran is seven years old and is going to witness an execution for the first time. A man of the Night's Watch, Gared, a deserter, has been caught and the penalty for desertion is death. The deserter from the Night's watch was sentenced to death because no man is more dangerous. The deserter knows his life is forfeit if he is taken, so he will not flinch from any crime, no matter how vile. Old Nan told Bran a lot of stories about wildlings. She told that " The wildlings were cruel men, slavers, slayers and thieves. They consorted with giants and ghouls, stole girl children in the dead of the night, and drank blood from polished ...


Location : The Haunted Forest south of the Wall Main Characters : Gared, Will, Ser Waymer Royce, The Others Referenced Characters : Old Bear Mormont, Mallisters, Maester Aemon, Robert, Wildlings About the characters: Gared was an old man past fifty. He had spend forty years in the Night's Watch What is Night's Watch? Will had been four years on the Wall. He had been a poacher before he joined the Night's Watch. Mallister freeriders caught him poaching on their bucks and it had been a choice of putting on the black or losing a hand. Looks like Will joined the Night's Watch as a punishment. Why is Night's Watch a punishment? What is putting on the black mean? No one could move through the woods as silent as Will and it had not taken the black brothers long to discover his talent. Black Brothers - Are they other members of the Night's Watch? Ser Waymer Royce was their commander. He was the youngest son of an ancient house with too...